Implementation of higher education institution is an implication of transformation of society in order to be able to adapt and anticipate changes from rural to urban communities, from local to global economy, from traditional to world cultures, from industrial to informational society, from business of manufacture to that of culture of thought.
The consequence above indicates that an educational pattern represents the integration of human relationships with a social system in a state and an international community system, which will be able to fill a gap. Education will at least affect a gap in religious, social, economic, political, scientific, technological and cultural aspects. In addition, the gap will naturally be connected in an effective, efficient and meaningful way.
In terms of the effort to actualise and follow up the government's policy on equity and expansion of access to higher education in Indonesia and to face the era of globalization, it is necessary to improve human resources, mental resilience, and professionalism. All of these potentials must be driven thoroughly and integrated with a good concept oriented to self-reliance. This requires the development of an educational format that is able to integrate sciences of religion, technology, business, and humanity with the vision and mission of Nurul Jadid Foundation, Paiton-Probolinggo East Java, Indonesia.
Nurul Jadid Foundation had three colleges, namely Islamic Institute of Nurul Jadid (IAINJ), Nurul Jadid High School of Technology (STTNJ) and Nurul Jadid High School of Health (STIKESNJ). Each professionally had proven itself to be capable of managing several courses with no additional burden to the government (financially) and of producing graduates with competencies and global competitiveness.
In an effort to realise these expectations, on August 5th, 2017, Nurul Jadid Foundation filed for the unification of the three universities and added seven more programs of study, namely; 1) Information Systems, 2) Information Technology, 3) Software Engineering, 4) Mathematics Education, 5) English Education, 6) Economics, and 7) Law. The proposed unification and opening of the new programs were submitted to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education as part of the process to become University of Nurul Jadid.
With strong determination and enthusiasm, on October 19th, 2017, the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education No. 589 / KPT / I / 2017 on Permit for Merging Islamic Institute of Nurul Jadid, Nurul Jadid High School of Technology and Nurul Jadid High School of Health became University of Nurul Jadid in Probolinggo organised by Nurul Jadid Foundation were officially signed. The three colleges then turn to be faculties in the new system.
Vision To become an excellent, innovative, civilised (credible) university in the development of science, art and technology based on Islamic values and teachings, entrepreneurial spirit and national (Indonesian-ness) insight. Mission Conducting... More
University of Nurul Jadid (UNUJA)
Karanganyar, Paiton, Probolinggo,
East Java, Indonesia
Postal Code: 67291
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Telp +62-335 771732 | |
Fax +62-335 771732 | | |
Faculty of Islamic Religion
Faculty of Computer and Engineering
Faculty of Health
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Postgraduate Studies